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February 2020

By: Amir Vera January 26, 2020

A North Carolina man is facing a human trafficking charge after police alleged he kept a person in sexual servitude for five years.

CNN / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: EndSlaveryNow. Org

An estimated 20.9 million [individuals] are victims of forced labor, a type of enslavement that captures labor and sexual exploitation. Forced labor is most like historical American slavery: coerced, often physically and without pay. All other categories of slavery are a subset of forced labor and can include domestic servitude, child labor, bonded labor, and forced sex. State authorities, businesses, and individuals push coercive labor practices upon people to profit or gain from their work.

End Slavery Now / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Harold D’Souza August 27, 2019

There is no actual data as over 80 percent of the cases of human labor trafficking are not reported for fear of arrest, deportation, stigma, shame, justice system failure, and lack or no knowledge of resources. Most victims of labor trafficking and debt bondage are foreign nationals. Contrary to the mental image the public tends to have of trafficking victims, many victims of modern-day slavery are men.

End Slavery Now / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Greg Bluestein January 6, 2020

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Zachary Hansen January 7, 2020

A South Georgia man is accused of impersonating a law enforcement officer as part of a human trafficking and sexual abuse scheme, according to multiple media reports.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Joshua Sharpe January 10, 2020

Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, and adviser plan to travel to Georgia next week to highlight and advance the administration’s work against human trafficking.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Anna Varela January 21, 2019

More than half of the homeless youth in metro Atlanta have experienced human trafficking, with minority and LGBTQ youth being more likely to be forced into working against their will, according to a study by Georgia State University sociology professor Eric Wright.

Georgia State University / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Jason Murdock January 21, 2020

A Kentucky-based franchise company that operates a slate of popular fast-food restaurants has been hit with a six-figure fine for allegedly violating child labor laws.

Newsweek / Read Full Article

February 2020

By: Maya Salam April 12, 2019

Three senators are hoping to combat what they see as an overlooked epidemic: missing, murdered, and trafficked women.

New York Times / Read Full Article

February 2019

By: Ashley Bridges February 1, 2019

Look at these faces.  Share them.  Remember them.  Help them.

Nexstar Nation Big Game Digital reporter Ashley Bridges spent time this week with Deborah Richardson of the International Human Trafficking Institute: that was before an Atlanta sex trafficking sting, just days before the Super Bowl, which resulted in the rescue of four victims and the arrest of 33 alleged traffickers. Richardson helped train the 10,000 Super Bowl volunteers to identify signs of trafficking.

ABC 8 News / Read Full Article