make sure your community is educated

Request a 1-HOUR Training for your organization
A 1-hour introduction to the truth of human trafficking, its’ massive scope in Georgia, and who is most at risk. In this one-hour, attendees learn how vulnerable people become prey to sex and labor trafficking. Attendees will leave the event knowing the signs of human trafficking and what immediate action they can take if they see it in their neighborhoods or around.

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Want to Schedule a private virtual training for your organization?

Become an ambassador

Training Event Image

IHTI's ambassador program is a great way to give back by volunteering your time and sharing your knowledge with the community regarding human exploitation.

Our next Ambassador Training will be on October 18th at 4:00 pm.

join the metro-atlanta coalition to end human trafficking

The Coalition’s multi-sector stakeholders represent private, public, educational, multi-faith, advocacy civic, non-profit and philanthropic organizations. Since 2018, IHTI, and its coalition members, have executed strategic actions to hold predators, who drive the demand for exploitation, accountable for their harmful acts. Coalition members share a common vision: No child will be exploited in our communities for labor or sexual purposes.


Want to join the Coalition?

support ihti with a gift

Through the support of our donors, IHTI is able to strategically move toward our goal to #HumanTraffickProofGeorgia! We can't do this without our supporters and their contributions.

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